Monthly Member’s Galleries – tap or click the title to open the gallery
Our members’ photographs are assembled in a Flickr Group Guildford U3A Photography Group (opens in new tab) . Members will need their own free Flickr account to be able to display their photos to the group.
The photos will need a tag which can be added using Flickr, so that they are displayed in the correct Gallery. The format of the tag for the Monthly Members’ Gallery will be mem-yyyy-mm , for a photoshoot shoot-yyyy-mm and for an assignment ass-yyyy-mm. eg; for the October 2024 Members’ Gallery the tag to be used would be mem-2024-10 and for November mem-2024-11 etc. Additional tags will be available for the Photoshoot Gallery and Assignments Galleries, as required.
In order to display the photo title on the website, please change the filename of the photo in Flickr to the title you would like to be displayed. This can be done when you are logged into Flickr by selecting the photo from your Photostream then scrolling down to display the information area which includes your name. If using a mouse, hover over the area just below your name which will reveal an edit icon where you can click to allow the filename/title to be edited and a description can also be added below.
If you need more help using Flickr see our guide to using Flickr